Thursday, October 30, 2008

Banana Bread Recipe!

Well, Lorne was able to set up an old computer for me to use the internet - so the blog posts will comtinue! Unfortunately I can't upload pictures to this computer, so you'll have to use your imagination for a while :o)

Today Hannah and I made banana bread! We've been having a lot of fun cooking together the past few weeks. Here are her favortie things about cooking:

- the fact that we both wear aprons
- holding her own wisk
- dumping ingredients into the bowl
- stirring occasionally

and most of all....

eating what we make!! :o)

If your looking for a good, traditional banana bread recipe (meaning not some kind of healthy version) then I've got a recipe for you!

I got this from a recipe book called, "Secrets of the Mennonite Kitchen" by Neil & Jeanne Liechty (Yes, they are related to Lorne!)

Banana Bread

1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
4 cups flour (all purpose)
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vanilla
6 bananas

Beat bananas first and set aside. Cream butter (melted), sugar, eggs, vanilla; then add flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and bananas. Mix well. Bake at 350.

Now all it says is "Time depends on size of pan". I used two different sized Pyrex dishes, and just kept checking them until I could poke a knife in the center and it came out clean.

I'm eating a piece right now....mmmm - delicious!


The Joiners said...

You can send me some if you want? :) Someone gave me a really yummy recipe for chocolate chip pumpkin bread if you want to try it!

The Liechtys said...

Sure, I'd love to try it! I'll send you my banana bread if you send me come choc chip pumpkin bread? :o)

The Joiners said...

I left you an award on my blog :)