Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A little ramble for today

Hannah LOVES to run. Today we were outside for 45 minutes and she never stopped running. She'd get ahead of me and then look back and say, "Run like me, Mommy!" Wow, I haven't run in such a long time! So I'd run for a bit to humor her and then go back to walking when she wasn't looking :o) While she was running she'd pump her arms in the air and repeat over and over again, "We're not going to get sick!" In her mind running=healthy=not sick, haha

On that note, I have an amazing fact for you....Hannah has not been sick since February of 2008. I mean not even the slightest runny nose in over a year! That's one strong immune system!

Monday, May 11, 2009

New Pics

Finally posted some long overdue pics!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day!

This post was written by Lorne

Hey everyone! I wanted to give Maryanne a blog post as a present for Mother's Day this year.

Maryanne is an indescribably wonderful mom. Despite this, I'm going to put forth an attempt at description. Here goes:
  1. She is perfectly obsessed with the health of our family. I was just telling her the other day that I never would have dreamed that my children would eat so well. Hannah eats a very well balanced diet, and if given a cookie will often stop half-way through and say, "That's enough sugar for now". Ummm... have you ever heard of a 2 year old not finishing a cookie?
  2. She is self-sacrificing. Maryanne will give up sleep, food, water, comfort, and any other personal desire to make sure that everyone else is getting their needs met.
  3. She is patient. Even when I'm at the end of my rope dealing with crazy, whining babies, Maryanne is able to speak in an even tone and encourage Hannah to "use her words".
  4. She is perfectly strict. You can't let kids get away with everything... and while I will sometimes not let them get away with anything, Maryanne strikes a perfect balance on discipline. She's very good at recognizing which are the battles worth fighting and when somebody just needs a minute to pout instead of a time-out.
  5. She helps me. I've got a lot of work to do and usually very little time to do it. In those situations Maryanne always helps me make time for my job, while still bringing the kids by for kisses and hugs so that Daddy doesn't go crazy. At the same time, I've sometimes got a lot to do and unlimited time to do it (*cough* PhD *cough*). In those times, Maryanne helps me stay focused and moving forward.
  6. She's one hot momma! After *almost* four years of marriage and two kids I'm still very much in love with Maryanne. I love spending time with her and talking about anything.
  7. She loves Jesus. Maryanne and I both want our family to love and serve Jesus more than anything else. We help each other in this path and I'm so glad for it. There's nothing more important in life.

I hope you enjoyed the post. Feel free to give Maryanne some mom-props in the comments.
