Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Friday Night Movie Night!

Our little fam has a tradition (stolen from Jon & Kate plus 8) of having Friday Night Movie Night. This is something that Hannah really looks forward to all week. I make homemade pizza (which I learned from my friend Stephanie) and steamed broccoli (gotta throw something healthy in there!). Then Hannah gets to pick out whatever movie she wants to watch and we all sit on the couch together eating our pizza and watching the chosen movie. I must admit, Hannah's movies aren't that exciting for Lorne and me, but we really enjoy having this family time together! At the end of the night Hannah always says, "We'll do it again next Friday!" and then proceeds to talk about it throughout the week until the next Friday finally comes. I guess she'll have to take turns choosing the movie once Mary Kate gets old enough to care! :o)

Happy Friday!


Hebraicheart said...

What will we get to watch next week when I am there?

The Liechtys said...

I don't know - we'll have to see what Hannah picks! :o)

Unknown said...

Awe! I love family movie night. We do it a lot, but not on a set time. We should so the kids know when to expect it! We always have popcorn and homemade Orange Juliuses with ours, but I love the idea of a dinner tradition as well!

Stephanie Cole said...

that sounds fun! hannah is so cute! oh, and we started adding garlic powder to our pizza dough...yummo!